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Information, advice & guidance

We deliver high quality information, advice & guidance (IAG) to our learners and have met the matrix quality standard for our services.


What is IAG?

This is a term that is used to describe the services and support on offer, to help people to understand what their choices are, and to make informed decisions about their work and learning. We can deliver information, advice and guidance on employability, job search, learning options. If you require specialist support in an area we are not qualified in (such as drugs/alcohol support, counselling, housing, benefits) we will give you information on where you can go to get help. This is called 'signposting'. During your session, your Adviser will be able to tell you the scope of our IAG offer, and how we can help you.


IAG is carried out throughout your learning experience with us - at the beginning, when you are deciding which course to do (or which provider to attend), through reviews of your learning & progress, and at the end of your course/programme. We can support you to look at next steps - this might be a progression onto another course with us, or someone else, or into employment.


Our full IAG policy is here 

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